{"version":3,"names":["parseSpecialBooleanProp","value","undefined","parseSpecialFalseProp"],"sources":["../src/utils/special-boolean-prop.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/**\n * Parse the value of an HTML property, casting boolean-like values as booleans.\n * For pure booleans, Stencil does this automatically, but not for mixed values like `boolean | string`.\n */\nexport const parseSpecialBooleanProp = (value: T) => {\n\t// Parse values treated as true\n\tif (value === 'true' || value === '') return true;\n\n\t// Parse values treated as false\n\tif (value === 'false' || value === undefined) return false;\n\n\t// Leave all other values as they are\n\treturn value;\n};\n\n/**\n * Parse the value of an HTML property, casting boolean-like values as booleans.\n * For pure booleans, Stencil does this automatically, but not for mixed values like `boolean | string`.\n */\nexport const parseSpecialTrueProp = (value: T) => {\n\t// Parse values treated as true\n\tif (value === 'true' || value === '') return true;\n\n\t// Leave all other values as they are\n\treturn value;\n};\n\n/**\n * Parse the value of an HTML property, casting boolean-like values as booleans.\n * For pure booleans, Stencil does this automatically, but not for mixed values like `boolean | string`.\n */\nexport const parseSpecialFalseProp = (value: T) => {\n\t// Parse values treated as false\n\tif (value === 'false' || value === undefined) return false;\n\n\t// Leave all other values as they are\n\treturn value;\n};\n"],"mappings":"MAIaA,EAA8BC,IAE1C,GAAIA,IAAU,QAAUA,IAAU,GAAI,OAAO,KAG7C,GAAIA,IAAU,SAAWA,IAAUC,UAAW,OAAO,MAGrD,OAAOD,CAAK,E,MAmBAE,EAA4BF,IAExC,GAAIA,IAAU,SAAWA,IAAUC,UAAW,OAAO,MAGrD,OAAOD,CAAK,S"}